Weapons & Tools

Purifying The World With Weapons and Tools...

Purifying Weapons and tools were added in the Neo version of the goodies feature set. These don't exist in the Thingamajigs 1.20.1 versions. 1.21+ is where you'll find these new items.

Most if not all weapons and tools use the Combiner to be crafted.

Of course, the first new kind of tool is called the Scythe. This tool is used to smash grass, flowers, and other plants to make way for your nice flat field of nothing. Didn't want that? Then don't use the scythe. Once a block is broken, the scythe will destroy many plants around it in a 'sponge-like' radius. From Iron -> Purifying Tier, the scythe gains more range. The scythes are only craftable at tier iron and up due to stone, gold and wooden scythes being pretty much useless.

To craft an Iron Scythe, you'll need the following pattern in a crafting table with keys below:

n = Iron Nugget

i = Iron Ingot

s = Stick

[ i i n ]

[ i s ]

[ s ]

The same is for the Diamond Scythe, except replace iron ingots with diamonds.

You'll need to use a Netherite Upgrade Smithing template in a Smithing Table to upgrade your Diamond Scythe to a Netherite Scythe, which can then be used to make the Purifying Scythe in the Combiner.

For some special tools, you'll need to craft a catalyst. Acting as templates for tools, these special catalysts only work with one tool, as a crafting component. Note that they cannot be duplicated, so any ingredients used in their creation should have plenty of stacks waiting in chests somewhere, just in case.

Fishing Catalyst:

Used to craft the Purifying Fishing Rod.

Combiner Recipe = [ Tropical Fish + Conduit + Coast Armor Trim + Thingamajig Glob ]

Crossbow Catalyst:

Used to craft the Purifying Crossbow.

Combiner Recipe = [ Fletching Table + Dispenser + Silence Armor Trim + Thingamajig Glob ]

Bow Catalyst:

Used to craft the Purifying Bow.

Combiner Recipe = [ Fletching Table + Dispenser + Sentry Armor Trim + Thingamajig Glob ]

Shears Catalyst:

Used to craft Purifying Shears.

Combiner Recipe = [ Any Wool + Warped Nylium + Dune Armor Trim + Thingamajig Glob ]

Purifying Tools and Weapons tend to have better chances at getting better enchants than other weapons. Just making one Purifying Ingot is hard enough, so choose wisely what your first weapon or tool might be.

Purifying Sword:

Acts like a shield and a fast sword. Can heal the player when used.

Combiner Recipe = [ Netherite Sword + Purifying Ingot + Health Component + Breeze Rod ]

Purifying Pickaxe:

Heals the player and mines fast.

Combiner Recipe = [ Netherite Pickaxe + Purifying Ingot + TNT + Breeze Rod ]

Purifying Axe:

Swift to yield, hard hitting, and chops quickly.

Combiner Recipe = [ Netherite Axe + Purifying Ingot + Anvil + Breeze Rod ]

Purifying Shovel:

Efficiency increased while digging.

Combiner Recipe = [ Netherite Shovel + Purifying Ingot + Dirt Culvert + Breeze Rod ]

Purifying Hoe:

Saturates the player when used and is swift at collecting crops.

Combiner Recipe = [ Netherite Hoe + Purifying Ingot + Sunflower + Breeze Rod ]

Purifying Scythe:

Just like other scythes, but can smash more vegetation in an area around the player.

Combiner Recipe = [ Netherite Scythe + Purifying Ingot + Wheat Seeds + Breeze Rod ]

Items, Weapons and Tools only in 0.0.4+:

Purifying Fishing Rod:

Has chance to grant some luck, and is faster at fishing and more durable.

Combiner Recipe = [ Fishing Rod + Purifying Ingot + Fishing Catalyst + Breeze Rod ]

Purifying Shears: Can shear more plant types and drop them without silk touch. May grant a short effect burst.

Combiner Recipe = [ Shears + Purifying Ingot + Shears Catalyst + Blade Pottery Sherd ]

Purifying Bow:

Fires far with x5 arrows. Already has an infinity-like and multishot-like effect built-in. Only one arrow is required for operation. Note, that you cannot pick up any projectiles shot by this item. Bow has no inaccuracy calculation.

Combiner Recipe = [ Bow + Purifying Ingot + Bow Catalyst + Breeze Rod ]

You can add what counts as valid arrow ammo by changing the tag:


Note that the ammo is not converted to anything. Only arrows are ever fired from bows.

Purifying Crossbow:

Strongest weapon of them all, and the most OP. Requires many steps to create.

Combiner Recipe = [ Crossbow + Purifying Ingot + Crossbow Catalyst + Breeze Rod ]

Holding right click will load the crossbow as usual (listen for 2 sound effects then silence), but you'll need to right click once the crossbow stops loading to finish the crossbow load process (you'll hear a third and final click noise like a standard crossbow). Then right click to fire!

Or, if you need to be a speedy person, right click without holding it down and the crossbow will load a weaker shot instantly. Right click again to fire.

Fires x7 projectiles of the following types per shot (if in the inventory and priority first):

  • Snowballs

  • Eggs

  • Fire Charges

  • Arrows (normal, spectral, potion)

  • Firework Rockets (any type)

  • Splash Potions (water)

  • Wind Charges

Be careful when firing Wind Charges and Fire Charges from the Crossbow, as sudden death is very possible, due to fall height damage and fire damage. You can go well up 50+ blocks from x7 Wind Charges at once and take a lot of damage from the fire caused by the Fire Charges if your not careful. All items are tagged, so if you want to remove items from being allowed to be fired from the Purifying Crossbow, just change the item tag:


Players, servers and modpack makers can even override this with modded projectiles if they want to add their custom stuff to the list. Note however, some stuff is hardcoded. For the best chance of success, make sure the modded projectile extends 'Projectile' in the code.

If special items are in your inventory, and are priority compared to other projectile types, then they will fire special weapons:

  • Shulker Shells -> Shulker Bullets that target an enemy (if an enemy is nearby), otherwise skipped and arrows are fired instead

  • Ominous Trial Key -> Glowing Tridents (when picked up, they become sticks)

Already has infinity-like and multishot-like effect. Crossbow has no inaccuracy calculation.

Last updated